
U.N. Reports

Last night I was in Down Town Fort Worth when a man of eastern decent approached me and handed me a flier that was head-lined "United Nations Reports: Meat eating major cause of climate change!" From there he went on to explain that this was a world wide fact of much relevance. He then proudly proceeded to tell me how this evidence MUST be true since his fliers were clearly not cheap and sported the picture of a woman who is a world renowned author of poetry. I smiled and enjoyed his broken english (I find this very enjoyable as some of my best friends have been from different countries and I love their accents) for a while as he went on and on. He told me about how we eat too much cow in this country and that if we don't stop before 2012 the world will reach a breaking point and move past the point of no return. This, he said, meant that we could not go back! "No return from here!" he said. The idea that the world will end in 2012 is not a new one to me. In fact I have heard it for quite some time now. He explained to me that after that time I could do whatever I want! After 2012 the world will no longer have climate change and everything will be peaceful. I really did not understand this. Because, as I have been told, climate change is an effect of us wreckless humans wasting and destroying. I personally see this meat eating issue as a win-win situation. I love a good steak! And as a southerner born and raised the heat and longer summers sound great to me! I also have to say that I do not believe that if I stop eating hamburgers and hot dogs I will save the world. Well folks, that's all for now!

First Post

Hello. I have just started this blog. It is for college kids all around the country (and TCC) to read and think about and discuss.